HTML Image Float
This tutorial is about How to Float images in HTML,
Copy the below code and paste it in your editor Like Notepad or Dream weaver.
<img src ="alltipsin.gif"
align ="left" width="48" height="48">
A paragraph with an image. The align attribute of the image is set to "left". The image will float to the left of this text.
<img src ="alltipsin.gif"
align ="right" width="48" height="48">
A paragraph with an image. The align attribute of the image is set to "right". The image will float to the right of this text.
<img src ="alltipsin.gif"
align ="left" width="48" height="48">
A paragraph with an image. The align attribute of the image is set to "left". The image will float to the left of this text.
<img src ="alltipsin.gif"
align ="right" width="48" height="48">
A paragraph with an image. The align attribute of the image is set to "right". The image will float to the right of this text.
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